Experiences of Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses

Go After Him!

I was a breastfeeding, cloth diaper, stay home mom when I began parenting in 1993. Like any new mom, I had to learn about babies, my own body, and how to navigate my way through the social group of other parents. As I entered this new territory, I prepared myself as best I could by reading books, watching videos, and joining parenting and play groups including La Leche League International the support group for breastfeeding moms.


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Lessons from the River

The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. (Genesis 1:2)

As the saying goes, “still waters run deep.” There is a depth to each of us. In the stillness of rest, we may feel a void in the darkness not quite able to articulate what it is we’re desiring to form, yet the Spirit of God hovers above us ready to draw up His creation from its water.

In our own earthly arrivals, we’re drawn from the water surrounding us in our mother’s womb into an adjustment to this world. And when we realize this world is not our home, we seek another and are welcomed back to the relationship with our Creator through faith in Christ, followed by baptism into water and immersion in His Spirit (John 3:5-7). Like babies in the womb surrounded by water, we become surrounded by the Spirit of God which once moved only above the surface of our lives but now nurtures and houses us until we're squeezed through another passage.

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Zeal For God's House

And He made a scourge of cords, and drove them all out of the temple … His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for Your house will consume me.” - John 2:15-17

Zeal for God’s house has led many a well-meaning Christian to avoid and even expel persons from fellowship in the interest of keeping their congregation clean.

Under the impression that expulsion benefits the person they view as a wrongdoer, Jehovah’s Witnesses practice disfellowshipping and shun those who don’t align with their current teachings.

"We do well to remember that disfellowshipping is Jehovah’s arrangement and that it benefits the congregation and may benefit the wrongdoer. If an unrepentant wrongdoer were permitted to remain in the congregation, he could be a corrupting influence. (Galatians 5:9) In addition, he may not recognize the seriousness of his sin, and he may have little incentive to adjust his thinking and actions so that he can regain Jehovah’s favor." – Watchtower Feb 2022 p.6

After such a “loving arrangement” extended to them, it’s understandable why so many disfellowshipped former Jehovah’s Witnesses are hesitant to commit to any church. And yet, many do find a church to call home. And many also get fed up and leave. 

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New Documentary: Jehovah's Witnesses: Enemies of the Gospel?

Please dear Christian, don’t let them faint. If you’ve ever prayed for one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, you’ve probably experienced how God’s concern becomes your concern. He raises up His servants for such a task. Please don’t ever assume the small fish and loaves you present them are of no value. They are food for the moment so ask God to bless the offering and multiply it. Know that God’s compassion will not let that one starve.

Last month I shared those words encouraging readers to pray for Jehovah’s Witnesses in a piece titled “Jesus Feels Compassion Toward Those Who Leave” 

And in the midst of that same month, God did indeed raise up some servants to offer their fish and loaves. Won’t you please pray for the increase with us?

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Jesus Feels Compassion Toward Those Who Leave

"I lost a lot in the past being a JW, and continue to lose in the future by not being a JW! It makes me wish I was raised with no religion at all. That way I could begin from scratch. But I married "in the truth" and raised my family in it. They remain in the Watchtower, so by leaving, I lose EVERYTHING." -- Carol*

I'm so thankful for every Christian who endeavors to share the gospel with one of Jehovah's Witnesses. But I can't emphasize enough that it's much more than correct teaching that a Witness on the way out needs. Just as those in the first century were put at great risk in following a Messiah that their own religious leaders sought to kill, today, Jehovah's Witnesses who begin to follow Jesus are also in danger of losing it all. So they need support, friendship, and community.

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It's Okay to Clap

If you're on social media, you've probably heard your share of "God Bless America" sung by various artists over the July 4th weekend. Maybe you've seen this one featuring Pia Toscano at The American Rodeo in Arlington, TX performed on March 6, 2022. What does this have to do with Jehovah's Witnesses? Plenty to me.

At first glance, you might assume this is a patriotic post. One of those "we can vote and stand up for our country now that we're exJWs" types of posts and I wouldn't mind at all if that's what you get out of it. But that's actually not my point.

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Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Power of the Cross

One of the distinctive differences between Jehovah’s Witnesses and Christians is visible in their illustrations of Christ. Traditionally the Church has shown pictures of Jesus on a cross, but Watchtower publications show Jesus hanging on a single, upright pole which they call the torture stake.

To back up their claim that Jesus did not die on a cross, they’ve altered verses which mention “cross” and changed them to “torture stake” in their own version of the Bible called the New World Translation.

For example, notice how the New American Standard Bible compares with the New World Translation at 1 Corinthians 1:17

For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not in cleverness of speech, so that the cross of Christ would not be made void. -1 Corinthians 1:17 NASB

For Christ sent me, not to baptize, but to declare the good news; and not with wisdom of speech, so that the torture stake of the Christ should not be made useless. -1 Corinthians 1:17-18 NWT

Jehovah’s Witnesses official website offers an explanation for the switch with this study note:

the torture stake of the Christ: Here the term “torture stake” (Greek, stau·rosʹ) is used to represent Jesus’ death on the stake. Jesus died in this way so that mankind would no longer be enslaved to sin but could have a good relationship with God.

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Exploring the Resurrection Hope

Several years ago I had the opportunity to speak with one of Jehovah’s Witnesses behind a literature cart. She invited me to their annual Memorial explaining it as a day set aside to commemorate Jesus’ death. I agreed with her on it’s importance and expressed my own appreciation for what Jesus’ death means to me. Then I asked her, “so at this service you have in which you celebrate His death, do you also celebrate His resurrection or do you have a separate service for that?”

And she actually said,

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The Name God Chose

Nearly as long as humans have existed, they have worshiped many gods and goddesses. Yet, the Bible refers to one God who “is greater than all the other gods.” (2 Chronicles 2:5) Who is that? And what makes him greater than all the other gods that people worship? In this lesson, learn how this God introduces himself to you.

What is God’s name, and how can we be sure that he wants us to know it?

In the Bible, God introduces himself to us. He says: “I am Jehovah. That is my name.” (Read Isaiah 42:5, 8),“Jehovah” is the translation of a Hebrew name that evidently means “He Causes to Become.”
Jehovah wants us to know his name. (Exodus 3:15) How can we be sure of that? In the Bible he included his name over 7,000 times! The name Jehovah belongs to “the true God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath.”—Deuteronomy 4:39. (From LESSON 4 from Enjoy Life Forever! An Interactive Bible Course on JW.org)

This introductory study published by the Watchtower goes on to inform the student that “God has many titles, but one name” and that “Jehovah wants us to know and use his name.”

The lesson is complete with a goal for the student to achieve: When talking about God, use his name, Jehovah.

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Why Are You Here?

Have you ever started a new job uncertain of your duties? Standing around doing nothing, not because you’re lazy or unwilling to work, but because you’re just not sure what it is you’re supposed to be doing? It’s an awful feeling. If you’re lucky, the company gave you an employee handbook to study and a qualified trainer to answer your questions as you ease into the new position. If not, you end up learning by trial and error.

When Jesus “hired on” his first twelve, He remained present with them for three years and trained them in as apostles. He referred often to their “employee handbook” -- the scrolls with which they were familiar, and made it relevant and applicable for them. The apostle John said he had seen with his eyes and touched with his hands the word of life (1 John 1:1). Imagine being able to touch with your own hands the body of Christ. Wouldn’t it have been nice to physically walk hand in hand with the King Himself for three years when you first became a Christian?

Interestingly enough, those first trainees in the kingdom of God who could touch the body of Christ, pretty much stood around doing nothing during those first few training years. In fact, the King didn’t even expect much from them until He physically left the planet.

Instead, He promised a Helper would come and finish their training and then the real work would begin.

They were told to wait, not work.

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New Year Resolution: Buy a Shovel

Well, have you set those New Year Resolutions?

You want to lose weight -- so you bought the exercise bike.

You plan to read more -- so you got that Kindle for Christmas.

Every goal requires a little planning and usually a few purchases as well.

In January of 1996, my goal was to read the Bible and figure out God. By March I was in a study with Jehovah's Witnesses in their new publication "Knowledge that leads to everlasting life." The first Scripture referenced in the opening chapter was Proverbs 2:5 with a promise of finding a "special kind of knowledge" -- the very knowledge of God. I was hungry for some of that so I continued to dig into my Free Home Bible Study.

Proverbs 2:1-5 is still a great passage, but since leaving the Watchtower, I'm back on track digging for God rather than the "special knowledge" the Watchtower organization had to offer.

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Simeon Held Salvation - Hurting to Healing with Melissa

Simeon Held Salvation

Christmas. Jesus. Christmas Trees. Salvation. Wreaths. Advent. Wreaths. Mary. Candy Canes. Joseph. Cut-out Cookies. Simeon.

Why do we do what we do? Are we buying into these things blindly, just following the masses?

I did for a short time but it didn’t take long for someone like me, someone like us who were born and raised as a Jehovah's Witness to go…Nope! I’m not following the masses! Not going with the crowd on this one!

Why do I put these things up?  What am I doing and why am I doing it?

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How Many More Meetings Until You’re Righteous?

For when we were living according to the flesh, the sinful passions that were awakened by the Law were at work in our bodies to produce fruit for death. --Romans 7:5 NWT

What comes to your mind with those words “living according to the flesh?”

To explain, the New World Translation Study edition makes reference to James 1:14, 15:

14  But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. 15  Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin; in turn sin, when it has been carried out, brings forth death.

They also include a study note from Romans 6:13 on not presenting any part of the human body to sin as weapons of unrighteousness.

This is all good information for any sincere person wanting a reminder to live a godly life.

But how many reminders does it take before one can achieve a life devoid of sin?

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Those Wicked Apostates!

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!

Do you remember the FEAR you had as a child watching the Wicked Witch of the West swoop through the Land of Oz? As you grew to love the Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion, and Dorothy, you wanted nothing more than to get that Wicked Witch out of the way!!

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!! What an anticipated celebration for the fans of Oz.

But what if the “Wicked Witch” was really "the good guy?"
What if the people of Oz were simply fed a fear campaign
to comply with a greater evil that sought to have control over them?

If that were so, that ruling entity would have to rid the land of any whistleblowers who might expose their facade. 

In order to maintain control, the all powerful Governing Body must rid their organization of any people who dare to expose them pulling the levers behind the curtain.

Wise dictators know the enlistment of their people
to wholeheartedly support their decisions requires indoctrination

That is why in the Watchtower, indoctrination is not just about working toward paradise but also learning who to hate and avoid on the journey there. After all, those who eventually leave the Watchtower may go on to expose the child abuse, false doctrines, and shunning practices within it. In preparation, the leadership has made every effort to create in the minds of their members, a hatred and fear of those who apostatize from it. 

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Compliance: How Far Will Some Go?

What Is Compliance?
In psychology, compliance refers to changing one's behavior due to the request or direction of another person.

Group behavior plays a big role in influencing compliance. We often refer to this as peer pressure. If it appears that the majority are agreeing to one thing, an individual is more likely to follow along. And cult indoctrination is notorious for using conformity methods as a means to keep its members controlled. Alongside this technique is placing a trusted authority over the group to create a fear of disobedience. The authority can then direct the actions of those who will do the actual bidding. If one authority can direct a few, the few can influence those under them.

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Misplaced Fear = Misplaced Covenant

The secret of the Lord is for those who fear Him, And He will make them know His covenant. (Psalm 25:14)

Can a person fear God and not know His covenant? 

The Apostle Paul made it clear in his letter to the Romans that his kinsmen, the Israelites, had a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge (Romans 10:2). Being zealous for God is not necessarily fearing Him for Paul concluded that they sought to establish their own righteousness rather than subject themselves to the righteousness of God (Romans 10:3).

Jesus Himself warned about those who would call Him “Lord, Lord” and even perform miracles in His name and yet be cast aside by Him declaring “I never knew you; Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.” (Matthew 7:22-23)

So even in enthusiastic service for God, a person’s zeal could be mistaken as faith by others, but certainly not by God. Only God knows who truly fears Him and thus reserves the right to keep a secret hidden from them. So this got me to wondering how Saul, a murderous Pharisee, discovered "the secret of the Lord" (Psa 25:14) and came to know His covenant.

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Billie Sue's Review

To those of you who have grown weary and frustrated in your outreach to Jehovah's Witnesses, I seek to encourage you. Please know your time in prayer and welcoming them into your home is not in vain.

A few years ago, it was on my heart to contact a few people in my home territory that affected me as a JW. I wrote to each one asking for their impression of me as the JW at their door. Billie Sue has given me permission to share what she wrote.

Over all, she perceived me as "hungry for truth." She also prayed a lot for me. I think she is an excellent example of the power Christians have on the other side of the door.

Imagine if every Christian who encountered a JW saw them as "hungry for truth" and prayed sincerely for them.

Maybe I wouldn't be here today praying for others to leave if she hadn't prayed for me? I hope this encourages our Christian readers who are currently witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses. Thank you!

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Scribing as a Study Aid

I will meditate on Your precepts And regard Your ways. I shall delight in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word. - Psalm 119:15-16 NASB

I love reading the Bible one-on-one with a friend. Iron sharpens iron as we discuss our reading together.

In February a friend and I began the book of Romans and I tried something new. In preparation for our phone meeting together each week, INSTEAD OF JUST READING the portion of Scripture, I SCRIBED IT first!

In a separate notebook I would copy word-for-word the section of Scripture we'd be discussing. I discovered the act of COPYING a few verses doesn't take that long, but the BENEFITS to me were surprising. My mind was forced to slow down and really meditate on each verse I wrote. At each word within the text I found myself asking questions about the audience and relevance to the topic. And if you've ever gone through a study guide or have been part of a small group discussion, you KNOW the key is asking good questions to direct your attention to the text being covered. Then on a separate page in the notebook, I kept a record of my thoughts and commentary on the passage I scribed.

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Hidden Healers

Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. He comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves receive from God. - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

In the support groups for those coming out of high control religions, some are there seeking comfort and others are in place to share the comfort they’ve already received. When you've come fresh from the battle with wounds needing immediate attention, it's a comfort just to be understood and accepted among those who've suffered a similar affliction. We have all been victims in one form or another in this life and can swap stories of pain, but if we've crossed over into victory, we've been given a unique opportunity to participate in someone else's healing.

If you are more victim than victor at this time, remember, it may take time to pass through the fires that refine you to be a healer. Rest in the comfort God is providing. And for those who have ministered a long time in the healing role God has granted you, I pray you find moments of rest and that you receive the support YOU NEED too.

Healing often comes in stages and can take many forms before it’s realized.

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Reasoning from the Scriptures with Jehovah's Witnesses: How Do They View Salvation?

What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe About Salvation?

“Come to Jehovah’s organization for salvation”

They announced it boldly in the WATCHTOWER MAGAZINE, NOVEMBER 15, 1981, PAGE 21

For any religious institution to proclaim itself as the vessel for salvation is a startling announcement. So it’s important to first understand how members of the Watchtower Society interpret the meaning of that word “salvation.”

Here is what it says under the topic of SALVATION on page 356 of their publication Reasoning from the Scriptures:

Definition: Preservation or deliverance from danger or destruction. That deliverance may be from the hands of oppressors or persecutors. For all true Christians, Jehovah provides through his Son deliverance from the present wicked system of things as well as salvation from bondage to sin and death. For a great crowd of faithful servants of Jehovah living during “the last days,” salvation will include preservation through the great tribulation.

Salvation for the JW means SURVIVING ARMAGEDDON. And since that is believed to be a war in the near future, they do not consider themselves or their neighbors saved at present. Salvation, therefore, is something they are working toward themselves and also inviting others to obtain through their ministry campaign.

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How Will They Save Their Sole?

sole adjective

Definition of sole (Entry 1 of 4)

1 a: being the only one
she was her mother's sole support

b: having no sharer

2: functioning independently and without assistance or interference
let conscience be the sole judge

3: belonging exclusively or otherwise limited to one usually specified individual, unit, or group

4: not married —used chiefly of women

5 archaic : having no companion : SOLITARY

In case you're not familiar with the term "sole," Merriam-Webster dictionary describes it for us here. It is the root of the word "solitary" which most of us understand as alone, or as clearly stated here "having no companion."

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Counting Sheep

Happy indeed are those who listen and who are “born again” to “enter into the kingdom of God” in union with the King. Happy are the “other sheep” who listen to the voice of this Shepherd-King and gain life. (All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial, page 199, paragraph 35)

To which happy group do you belong?
Are you of the "other sheep" or of those who've been “born again” to “enter into the kingdom of God?”

The majority of Jehovah's Witnesses will tell you they belong to the "other sheep" class of Christians.  Since they believe only a limited number of 144,000 comprise those who've been born again and enter into the kingdom of God, they don't believe they are in that group. But don't feel sorry for them, remember, their literature told them they're HAPPY! And why are they so happy? Because the "other sheep" get to support the anointed class!

Anointed Christians share in the work of prophesying. They speak about “the magnificent things of God” and proclaim the “good news of the Kingdom.” (Ac 2:11, 17-21; Mt 24:14) The other sheep support them by participating in this work (Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook | October 2017 - TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD | JOEL 1-3 “Your Sons and Your Daughters Will Prophesy”)

In order to understand how Jehovah's Witnesses separate themselves into the two classes of "anointed Christians" and "the other sheep," we'll first examine two key Bible verses the Watchtower consistently uses to train the thought process of their members.

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The Attraction of Unity

"Are you now separate from this world and its violent ways, as were Jesus and his disciples in the first century? If so, you have come to share in a wonderful worldwide unity experienced only by Jehovah’s Witnesses."--Watchtower 1983 Jul 15 p.20

UNITY! Oh, how I was ATTRACTED to that promise when I began to associate with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Through my Bible study with them, I accepted a code of ethics and the belief that Jesus Christ was key to bringing about a new world with his co-heirs numbering 144,000. This vital knowledge was linked to the recognition that Jehovah God had an organization on earth carrying out his plans to unify mankind under his kingdom. My agreement to participate in this organized effort to reach people from house-to-house with this message served as proof that I was now a true Christian.

To disagree with anything coming down through that organization called into question whether or not I was a Christian. So, I learned as we all did, to keep my mouth shut and comply. All good JWs do. This creates UNITY.

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Let Us Pray... Or Maybe Not?

If Someone Says—
‘Pray with me first, then give me your message’

You might reply: ‘I’m glad to know that you are a person who appreciates the importance of prayer. Jehovah’s Witnesses also pray regularly. But there is something that Jesus said about when and how to pray that may be new to you. Did you know that he told his disciples not to offer public prayers with a view to having others see that they were devout, praying persons? . . . (Matt. 6:5)’  Then perhaps add: ‘Notice what he went on to say should be of primary concern to us and what we should put first in our prayers. That is what I have come to share with you. (Matt. 6:9, 10)’ (Reasoning from the Scriptures, page 295)

The advice listed above is taken from the field ministry aid I was given when I began my life as one of Jehovah’s-door-knockin’-Witnesses back in 1996. I was instructed NOT to allow anyone outside of my religion to lead prayer. In fact, I wasn’t even allowed to pray audibly with the Jehovah’s Witness woman who conducted a Bible study with me until I was a baptized publisher approved by the leadership. The week after I’d been baptized at an assembly, we had lunch together and she announced “I guess I can let you pray for us now.” Let me? Being my first public prayer, I fumbled through a quick and uncomfortable blessing over our meal hoping I did it right.

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Christmas or Solstice? Yes!

Here is a podcast that discusses the Christian basis of Christmas to help those struggling.


"Even though Christmas is not the real anniversary of our Lord's birth, but more properly the annunciation day or the date of his human begetting (Luke 1:28), nevertheless, since the celebration of our Lord's birth is not a matter of divine appointment or injunction, but merely a tribute of respect to 

The winter solstice is a new beginning. It's a time of hope that darkness will give way to light and that the world will be a better place in the year to come! May the season of the winter solstice find you blessed and full of thanksgiving!

him, it is not necessary for us to quibble particularly about the date. We may as well join with the civilized world in celebrating the grand event on the day which the majority celebrate - "Christmas day."" Zion's Watch Tower 1904 Dec 1 p.364

Twenty three years later, apparently Jehovah had given them "new light."

"... The Golden Age of December 14, 1927, noted that Christmas is a pagan celebration, focuses on pleasures, and involves idol worship. The article made it clear that the celebration was not ordered by Christ and concluded with this pointed statement about Christmas: “The fact that the world, the flesh, and the Devil are in favor of its perpetuation and observance . . . is a final and conclusive argument against its celebration by those who are dedicated wholly to the service of Jehovah.” Not surprisingly, the Bethel family did not celebrate Christmas that December—or ever again!" God's Kingdom Rules! (2014) p.102

When I walked out of the Kingdom Hall in the fall of 2003, I had no interest in celebrating the holidays. A year later as I settled into my label of "apostate" given at my hearing on December 2, 2004, there was no rush into any holiday hoopla to celebrate my new freedom from the Watchtower. December 2005 also passed by as usual with no lights or holiday cards. Yet through it all, the season of winter never changed. The snow still fell and the days were short.

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Leave the Prison of Fear and Move Forward

When I was in middle school art class, I made a painting of a starving man in a dismal, gray prison looking hopelessly at the rat eating his last morsel of food. Fresh air and sunlight beamed through the prison bars on a window far above the cells’ cold cement floor. The light fell upon the scene of the rat’s indulgence while the man sat helpless in the dark.

That was many years ago. I’m not even sure if I have that picture any more. But it came to mind while following a prompt to pray through the events unfolding in my reading of Exodus 14.

Moses had just led the sons of Israel out of captivity in Egypt where they had been slaves. They had witnessed plague after plague brought on by God to convince Pharaoh to release them. On the night they fled, it was God’s instruction to paint blood on their doorposts so the angel of death would pass over their houses and clear the way for the exodus. In His mercy and understanding of their conditioned response to armored authority, He even routed them away from the land of the Philistines and took them instead through the wilderness where they would not encounter opposing armies ahead of them.

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I Pledge Allegiance to...

With the United States presidential election campaigns now underway, some Facebook posts suggest that those who vote for candidates who legislate actions contrary to biblical values will be held accountable to God for giving them such support. Really? Does any candidate ever align perfectly with God's will? Are not ALL MEN and nations imperfect? Isn't this the reason Jehovah's Witnesses abstain from voting and prefer the escapism of waiting for a cataclysmic end to all human governments and dream of a perfect paradise under the rule of their perceived infallible Governing Body?

Can association with a particular political party, religious organization, or even a health club, condemn an individual when they themselves are not involved in all the activities of the group to which they belong?

For example, a clerk who doesn’t drink alcohol or smoke tobacco might work at a store that sells both. Is the clerk guilty of drinking and smoking for handling and selling the product?

In 1982, the Watchtower declared that association with organizations they disapprove of would have a direct effect on even the most innocent and lowly associates of that entity,

"The Bible condemns things such as stealing, idolatry and the misuse of blood, so a Christian could hardly engage in work where he directly promoted such things. Would doing the work so closely link a person with a condemned practice that he would be a clear accomplice? Even a janitor or a receptionist at a blood bank or a plant making only weapons of war is directly linked with work contrary to Gods Word." (Watchtower 1982 Jul 15 Box on p.26 Employment Factors to Consider)

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Join Us for Testimony Tuesdays

Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the adversary - Psalm 107:2 NASB

There is a stage most questioning or former Jehovah's Witnesses go through in which we eat, drink, and sleep every book, blog, discussion group, and video of those who've passed through the exit struggle before us. Listening to the survival stories of others plays a vital role in maintaining a vision of hope that there really is life after the Watchtower.

Hebrews 12:2 informs us that it is Jesus who authored our faith stories. Therefore, every believer's testimony is the testimony Jesus wrote. Just as the Holy Spirit preserved the stories in the Bible for our hope and endurance (Romans 15:4), our own stories were written to encourage others. In fact, the Holy Spirit dwells in us for the purpose of testifying about Jesus (John 15:26)!

It is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.  -- 1 John 5:6 NASB

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Covid Can't Stop This Conference!

The covid can't stop this conference!
The annual Witnesses Now for Jesus Conference in Bonne Terre, Missouri is on for July 24-26, 2020!

Click Here for More Details on the Witnesses Now for Jesus July 2020 Conference
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Are Jehovah's Witnesses Right? Man Has No Immortal Soul?

In 1996, I began my free home Bible study with Jehovah's Witnesses in their publication
"Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life."

Picture of Julie in 1996
Picture of Julie in 1996

Under the chapter heading of "What Happens To Our Dead Loved Ones?" in their Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life book, the Watchtower endeavors to answer the question "What is the Spirit in Humans?" In paragraph 4, they point out that Adam did not have a soul; he was a soul. They highlighted Genesis 2:7 from their New World Translation of the Bible as "Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul." The paragraph ends by telling us that the Bible speaks of "the force of life" that is active in earthly living creatures. --Genesis 7:22. This is a key set up for their next paragraph that went on to explain what this "force of life" is. In their own words, "it is the vital spark of life that God put into the lifeless body of Adam. This force was then sustained by the breathing process." And thus, the Knowledge book explained to me that Adam became a living soul due to God's sustaining breath in his nostrils and calls this "the force of life." Then it went on to ask what the spirit is since Psalm 146:4 refers to it as "going out" or departing. They explain that "when the Bible writers used the word "spirit" in this way, they did not have in mind a disembodied soul that continues living after the body dies." -- Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, page 81, paragraph 5.

Did you catch that? It's subtle but they just managed to persuade the reader to link soul, spirit, and life force all into one category. The spirit is not a "disembodied soul." Whoever said it was? Yet because the spirit can't be a disembodied soul as they say, it has to be something else. They call that "the force of life."

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