New Documentary: Jehovah’s Witnesses: Enemies of the Gospel?

Please dear Christian, don’t let them faint. If you’ve ever prayed for one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, you’ve probably experienced how God’s concern becomes your concern. He raises up His servants for such a task. Please don’t ever assume the small fish and loaves you present them are of no value. They are food for the moment so ask God to bless the offering and multiply it. Know that God’s compassion will not let that one starve.

Last month I shared those words encouraging readers to pray for Jehovah’s Witnesses in a piece titled “Jesus Feels Compassion Toward Those Who Leave” 

And in the midst of that same month, God did indeed raise up some servants to offer their fish and loaves. Won’t you please pray for the increase with us?

On July 13, 2022, a young man named Jarrod Knepp contacted our ministry. Jarrod is a Youth Pastor and the Assistant Pastor Intern at Egypt Community Church in Whitehall, Pennsylvania.

He is also the founder/director of “Discovering God” a podcast ministry listened to in 12 countries and languages. Now he was embarking on a project to produce a documentary about Jehovah’s Witnesses and sought to interview a former Jehovah’s Witness. I agreed to an interview and suggested that since I was an adult convert to the Watchtower, it would be good to also get testimonies from those who were born and raised in it. So I offered to share his request in some support groups for ExJWs on Facebook. Jason Contino was one who responded.

Jarrod shared his vision with me for the film and his intention to include the topics of Jesus’ Divine nature and how the Watchtower falsely presents Him as Michael the Archangel. He wanted to explore why Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t accept blood or believe in hell, but I especially appreciated when he expressed his heart behind the questions adding, “ I don’t just want to provide facts. I want to have people who were in it and understand what made them get out of it.”

I sensed Jesus’ compassion was there.

It was mid July and Jarrod said,  “we’re nowhere near ready to begin filming our documentary but I figured if we could get your interview first that would be great.”

At the time he contacted us, Jarrod already had his hands full as the Assistant Pastor while the Lead Pastor was on vacation. So we made an appointment to have a zoom interview later on August 9 and he set up a separate meeting with Jason as well. You can watch those here:

Interview with Julie

Interview with Jason 

Meanwhile, Jarrod already had a trailer for the film which I promptly shared in a few Facebook groups.

Jehovah’s Witnesses: Enemies of the Gospel? Documentary Official Trailer


Keep in mind, Jarrod had never spoken to an active Jehovah’s Witness before in his life! The research he did plus the interviews served as his education. His pinned comment on the trailer he produced reads:

“When I say this whole experience “Blew my mind” I AM 100% SERIOUS!! What are you most looking forward to in this film?”

I was surprised how quickly he produced a 3 1/2 hour documentary interspersing clips from the interviews with footage from other documentaries and his own commentaries. 

The documentary aired on August 20,2022 – just one month after contacting our ministry’s Facebook page.

Jehovah’s Witnesses: Enemies of the Gospel? Full Documentary

Before the length of the film scares you away, please note that it is broken up into smaller chapters if you prefer to schedule your viewing. 

Introduction/Chapter 1: 0:00

Chapter 2: Origins of Modern Day JWs: 24:07 

Chapter 3: Doctrines and Teachings: 1:02:00

Chapter 4: Public Crimes: 02:18:39

Conclusion: 3:13:00

Jarrod’s contact information plus other links are listed under the documentary video on YouTube.



The evening after the video first aired on Youtube, I got an email from Jarrod:

I was heading to a Birthday Party for someone at my church and I had to go to Walmart to get a USB drive to copy the film to give to someone in my congregation and saw two JWs with a stand. I felt God tugging on my heart but I cowarded out. Until, I literally couldn’t start my car in the parking lot without this immense feeling of guilt. I audibly yelled “Fine God, but give me the words,” and took my pocket Bible out and went over to them with my anxiety through the roof.

Jarrod shared with Jason and I the highlights of their conversation and added “I just wanted to say thanks for helping me understand this wacky themed cult.” 

It was obvious to me that God used Jarrod while the interviews and research were fresh in his mind. God gave him the words as well as the courage to go forth even in fear and trembling.

Like the Apostle Paul wrote, “… I did not come with superiority of speech or of wisdom, proclaiming to you the testimony of God. For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling, and my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God.”
(1 Corinthians 2:1-5)

The gentleman he spoke with sounded pretty firm in his Watchtower beliefs and not willing to budge but Jarrod’s questions were excellent and I trust that seeds were tossed his way. Please join me in praying for a good rain to embed at least one in his heart.

A few more days passed and the documentary had over 500 views along with some discussion in the comments section. Jarrod was excited to inform us that he had been contacted by a current JW who said that

the film opened their eyes to how unbiblical the Watchtower is and they are going to think about leaving.

Jason and I shared his excitement with a “Praise God!” and Jason added “Make sure that we didn’t just destroy their faith but that they see Jesus as their Savior and no longer the Governing Body.”

Amen to that Jason! Because Jesus feels compassion toward those who leave.

Please continue to support ministries reaching Jehovah’s Witnesses for Christ.
May God be glorified in this. 

Keep yourself in God’s love,

Author: Julie

As a convert to Jehovah’s Witnesses, Julie believed she had found “the Truth,” but when she was “disfellowshipped” for “apostasy” when she questioned the organization's policies and refused to trust the organization over Jesus as her ONLY mediator, Julie left to find true freedom serving the REAL Jehovah God in joy and truth! Call Julie at 719-355-7164 ext 113