Does the “Restored Gospel” Joseph Smith Claimed He Inspired Follow Christ’s Original Gospel?

Joseph Smith, the prophet and founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, inspired a new version of Christianity, he called the “restored gospel,” but is it really restored?  If so, to what?

Mormon Gospel – A Restoration or Reinvention?

Joseph Smith taught that the Gospel of Jesus Christ as given in the Bible was lost needing restoration.  By claiming that the gospel in the Bible is incomplete, he was able to add a number of new practices, such as priesthood ordination and temple marriage that were not practiced by Jesus nor his disciples. It is in fact, these activities and the Mormon claims surrounding them that make the Mormon version of the gospel counterfeit.

In this presentation I discuss 4 Ways Mormonism Distorts the Gospel:

1) Adding to the Gospel Scripture of Christ which essentially calls Jesus a liar.
2.) Adding temple rituals that neither Christ or His followers practiced.
3.) Reduces God to man to exalt men to God, following the lie of Satan.
4.) Subtracts from the Sufficiency of the Atonement by adding filthy rags of works (Isa 64:6).


Author: Webmaster