Kevin’s Articles


– At a young age, Kevin knew he was different from other boys. When his mother called him a “BEAST” and tried to kill him, his feelings of rejection were confirmed. “Where are these homosexual feelings coming from? Was I born this way?” Kevin wondered. Seeking help from a Jehovah’s Witness elder, he was given a Watchtower book to read to fix his feelings, but nothing worked! After 15 years of gay relationships with over 100 men, Kevin cried out to God for deliverance and experienced the supernatural, life-transforming power of Jesus Christ’s forgiveness that healed him from homosexuality and freed him from the deception of Jehovah’s Witness ideology. Read Kevin’s Full Story out of Jehovah’s Witnesses and Homosexuality. bullets

bullets  If Jehovah hates homosexuals, why did he create me this way? (

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