She was a fifth generation Jehovah’s Witness. Her story goes back over 100 years to the time of her great grandmother. Her family not only followed the teaching of Russell, they became special pioneers and would put in 150 hours a month, traveling from town to town in the Midwest, showing his photodrama of creation. Gloria did not leave the Watchtower because she found out the organization was wrong. She left because she was looking for Jesus. Read Gloria’s Story Out of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Who are the Masons and the Illuminati? PDF
Who Were the Magi Who Visited Jesus? A Bit of History and Culture of Bible Times
Gloria’s Booklet on the Deity of Jesus Christ PDF
Danger At Your Door – A Fifth Generation Jehovah’s Witness Speaks Out PDF
The Great I AM PDF
Prayer for Destruction of the Watchtower PDF
Paul Preached the Name of Jesus PDF
The Name of Jesus Article #2 PDF
False Teachers and False Prophets PDF
The Word was a god – John 1:1 PDF
The Great Crowd and 144,000 PDF
Worldwide Security Under the Prince of Peace PDF
Isaiah Prophesies of Jesus PDF
History of the Jewish Passover PDF
Jesus' Triumphal Entry by a Colt of a Donkey
Jesus Triumphal entry Story narrated by the Donkey!
Hi everyone, my name is the colt of a donkey. I am the donkey Jesus rode at his triumphal entrance into Jerusalem the week before he was crucified. Oh how thrilling it was to have the master, creator of the universe, the King of Glory chose me, to carry him into the Holy city. What an exciting time.
Read moreWho Jehovah’s Witnesses REALLY Are
MOVIE - Jeremiah Films....Ex- Jehovah's Witness couple make documentary movie Called "Witness of Jehovah", and expose the lies and false teaching of the Jehovah's Witness Organization.
1 hour long: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE3zp9FiyiQ
The Watchtower and the Masons by Fritz Springmeyer:
Russell's date system for Armageddon came from the great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt in his book Divine Plan of the Ages, which was one of the 7 volumes of the Study in the Scriptures Series. In which he predicted the end of the world in 1914. Russell being influenced with the Freemasons used Masonic signs and symbols on his books and Watchtower magazines such as follows:
Read moreWho Were the Magi?
WHO WERE THE MAGI OR WISE MEN WHO VISITED JESUS? A Bit of History and Culture by Gloria
The ancient Greek historian Herodotus records that the Magi were priests of the Medes and Persians, a people who occupied the land where Iran is today. They lived in Babylon and Mesopotamia during much of the Old Testament Bible era. The Magi were experts in Astronomy. They were considered scholars of their time. They served as scientist, mathematicians, philosophers, doctors, and legal authorities of their culture. Our word Magistrate comes from the word Magi. They were also in the Bible called Magic practicing priests, the ones who interpret dreams.
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