We are Witnesses for Jesus and we exist to transform lives through the gospel. The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ died to pay for our sins so that anyone who places their faith in Him alone can be forgiven and have eternal life. Our area of special focus is reaching the hearts and minds of Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons (Latter-day Saints or LDS) who have been taught to believe in a different Jesus and must come to know the Jesus of the Bible who alone can save. Whether you’re currently involved in either one of these groups or you have friends or relatives involved, our website is for you! Learn more about us here.
SALVATION – Do You Know What is Required to Have Eternal Life?
Paul Gee - Ex-Mormon Finds the Truth
Ex-Mormon Paul Gee Leaves Mormonism to Follow Jesus
Paul Gee grew up Mormon, naturally believing the claims of Joseph Smith and the LDS Church. Then one day he started reading the Bible with the “eyes of a child” and discovered major differences between the teachings of Christ in the Bible and those found in Mormonism. Further research uncovered the fact that Joseph Smith could not translate the text of the Book of Abraham that forms the basis of many unbiblical beliefs found in Mormonism. At this point, Paul had to make a decision: Would he follow Christ or would he remain comfortable following the teachings of the LDS Church that are at odds with Christ? For Paul, the choice was clear, he stopped singing “praise to the man” Joseph Smith and began singing praises only to Jesus as his only true Lord and Savior! He is happily married to his sweetheart Elizabeth and is a father to two sweet girls.
Read moreAn Apostle of the Mormon Church Took My Tract
It was about an hour after the last session of the LDS Fall General Conference had ended on Sunday, October 1st, 2023, when I stood at the West Temple exit with my sign "Does the LDS Church Blame Jesus for Joseph Smith's FAKE Translation?" Right about that time, a group of professionally dressed General Conference officials came out of the gates around the Conference Center and stood at the street corner waiting to cross the street to the mall.
Looking at the crowd to see if anyone would be interested in taking my tract, my eyes caught Elder Todd Christofferson's scowl as he read my sign, then motioned to me a "naughty" symbol with his fingers trying to shame me for displaying my sign right outside of the LDS Conference Center.
Read moreMisguided by Mormonism but Redeemed by God's Grace
Have you ever considered sharing your Biblical Christian faith with a Mormon friend, coworker or neighbor?
Within the past few years, the basic relationship between the Mormon and the Christian, has changed forever. For the first time in the history of the Mormon Church, authentic and realistic Mormon doctrine and history are now available to you through the Mormon Church's official website.
We speak from personal experience, and we desire to help guide you in bringing the Mormon people to an accurate knowledge of Mormon doctrine and their Church's history of deception so that they can come to know Jesus Christ in simplicity and truth as He is taught in the Bible. Learn how to use the Mormon Church's official website and scriptures to present the differences between Mormonism and Biblical Christianity to your Mormon (LDS) loved-ones.
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Read moreSALVATION - What is required to have eternal life?
SALVATION - What is required to have eternal life?
God has given us a conscience to know right from wrong, but we don't always follow our consciences and often we end up doing things that hurt other people. So God gave us the Bible to teach us His laws on what is right and wrong. But even then, people don't like to follow rules and so they come up with excuses (which are not valid) for not believing the Bible. When we break God's rules and go against the conscience He gave us, the Bible calls this sin. Sin makes us guilty before God and just as we have rules in our government that when broken we have to pay a fine or spend time in prison, the same is true for God. He has created the rule that those who commit sin (break God's standards) will ultimately die physically and spiritually and this is why we all die someday. It's because we have all done things that we know are wrong. But God has provided a way for us to be forgiven of our sins and that is through His Son Jesus. He died so that those who place their trust in Him and decide to follow Him for the rest of their lives, can resurrect to eternal life with Him. What you believe about Jesus Christ really does matter and whether you decide to follow Him really does affect your eternity. So why not learn more about how you can be forgiven and have eternal life below:
Hi I’m Rob. I was raised Mormon and in this picture I’m standing with my buddy Doug who was raised Jehovah’s Witnesses. Both of us grew up in religions that teach a different Jesus from the One the Bible proclaims. When we learned the truth about WHO Jesus Christ is and WHAT He is done to save us, we left religion to embrace a personal relationship with Christ, trusting in His works alone for salvation. The biblical gospel of Christ is simple. All you need to do is place your faith in Jesus Christ as God and Lord of your life, accept His atoning death for sin and open your heart to receive the gift of His Holy Spirit who bring regeneration in your life and makes you born again.
Hi I’m Trish. I was a Jehovah’s Witness for 42 years. I was lost and I was hungry and I didn’t know what for… until I found out who Christ really is. In all those years going door to door with my Bible, no one ever shared Christ with me. I don’t think they knew how. I don’t think they knew they could or that they needed to. I’m just so grateful someone finally did.
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