We are Witnesses for Jesus and we exist to transform lives through the gospel. The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ died to pay for our sins so that anyone who places their faith in Him alone can be forgiven and have eternal life. Our area of special focus is reaching the hearts and minds of Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons (Latter-day Saints or LDS) who have been taught to believe in a different Jesus and must come to know the Jesus of the Bible who alone can save. Whether you’re currently involved in either one of these groups or you have friends or relatives involved, our website is for you! Learn more about us here.
SALVATION – Do You Know What is Required to Have Eternal Life?

Utah Mission's Report from Bob the "Friendly Anti"
The purpose of this report is to encourage all Christians to witness to the lost, as Christ commanded in Matthew 28. Specifically, the verse, “teaching them to observe all that I commanded you,” (Matt 28:20) reminds us to share Christ’s commands, including making disciples worldwide by preaching God’s Word, both in and out of season. Personally, I view attending the General Conference of the Latter-Day Saints as an “in-season” witnessing opportunity. Regular participation in such events prepares me for “out-of-season” moments that God brings into daily life.
Another goal of this report is to equip you with the knowledge needed to engage Mormons, addressing their false understanding of God and Christ’s work on the cross. As ambassadors of Christ, we must “exhort in sound doctrine and refute those who contradict” (Titus 1:9). Paul often warns of “those of the circumcision,” likening them to false teachers (Philippians 3:2). Similarly, Mormons, though they reject physical circumcision, place themselves under the Law through “temple covenants,” where they pledge to follow commands from the Old Testament, New Testament, and Book of Mormon. This merging of covenants creates theological confusion. Paul, in Romans and Hebrews, makes it clear: one cannot be under both the Old and New Covenants. Those seeking justification through the Law are severed from Christ and grace. By embracing a false gospel, Mormons tragically cut themselves off from salvation, facing eternal separation from God.
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Face to Face with Some of the Best Christian Missionaries to Mormons
I recently returned from my third mission's trip this year where I met with some of the best veteran Christian missionaries who have experience witnessing not only to Mormons but people in other religions as well. So below are some of my best interviews and face-to-face street witnessing experiences we had together this year. This first video is of Kevin Deegan who is a street preacher with 40 years of experience. While his approach of street preaching is not a method that our ministry supports, when he came over to our table to talk and ended up witnessing to some Mormons in our area, his conversation with our volunteer Bob Pilch is one of the best conversations we had this year. In this video Kevin sharing the problems with the Mormon priesthood authority claims with an LDS guy who had stopped by our "Friendly Anti-Mormon" table to take some tracts and ask a few question. Not only was Kevin able to share the evidence against their LDS Church's authority claims, but Bob and him together were able to present the pure gospel of Jesus Christ and why we can't rely on our commandment obedience. It's a beautiful video demonstrating what it is like to share our faith with people of other religions, with decency and respect:
Read moreMisguided by Mormonism but Redeemed by God's Grace

Have you ever considered sharing your Biblical Christian faith with a Mormon friend, coworker or neighbor?
Within the past few years, the basic relationship between the Mormon and the Christian, has changed forever. For the first time in the history of the Mormon Church, authentic and realistic Mormon doctrine and history are now available to you through the Mormon Church's official website.
We speak from personal experience, and we desire to help guide you in bringing the Mormon people to an accurate knowledge of Mormon doctrine and their Church's history of deception so that they can come to know Jesus Christ in simplicity and truth as He is taught in the Bible. Learn how to use the Mormon Church's official website and scriptures to present the differences between Mormonism and Biblical Christianity to your Mormon (LDS) loved-ones.
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Read moreChristmas Through An ExJW's Eyes
What is Christmas to you? Do you have fond memories of family gatherings sharing recipes and gifts under the tree? For those who grew up in the Watchtower Society, there are no memories. Why would a parent withhold Christmas from their children? And what happens when that parent discovers the "reason for the season" themselves? For 30 years Sharon read the New World Translation of the Bible published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, but did not know her Savior. To her and the rest of Jehovah's Witnesses the Bible taught that Jesus was not born in December and God was not pleased with us for celebrating His birth that month. When she left the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, however, her eyes opened to the joy of the birth of her Savior and her own value as a precious new born creation as well. Sharon invites us to see Christmas through her eyes...
Christmas Through My Eyes by Sharon Leasure
In June of 1980 as I studied the Bible with my Jehovah’s Witness aunt I began to learn the evils of Christmas and why it should be a holiday to avoid. Unlike all the other holidays this was the hardest of all to give up. I knew I wanted to live on a Paradise earth for all eternity and would do what I had to so I could achieve this goal. I was convinced that because Jesus was not born in December it would be dishonoring Him to recognize His birth on that day.However it never entered my mind to ask why we don’t celebrate it in October. I was taught to believe that the three wise men were men hated by Jehovah. Also Jesus was around two years old when they came, not an infant in a manger. So the whole nativity scene was wrong and to be a part of it would to be a part of a lie. Who is the father of the lie? Satan, so it would be Satan that we would be worshiping. Christmas is being celebrated on the same day as the Sun God thus being connected to pagan worship. I had so many reasons now to avoid this holiday and look down on those who celebrated it. I began pitying them for their lack of knowledge, if they only knew the truth. What a horrible holiday!
Read moreSALVATION - What Is Required to Have Eternal Life?
SALVATION - What is required to have eternal life?
God has given us consciences to know right from wrong, but we don't always follow our consciences and often we end up doing things that hurt other people. So God gave us the Bible to teach us His laws on what is right and wrong. But even then, people don't like to follow rules and so they come up with excuses (which are not valid) for not believing the Bible. When we break God's rules and go against the conscience He gave us, the Bible calls this sin. Sin makes us guilty before God and just as we have rules in our government that, when broken, we have to pay a fine or spend time in prison, the same is true for God. He has created the rule that those who commit sin (break God's standards) will ultimately die physically and this is why we all die someday. It's because we have all done things that we know are wrong. But God has provided a way for us to be forgiven of our sins and that is through His Son Jesus. He died so that those who place their trust in Him and decide to follow Him for the rest of their lives, can resurrect to eternal life with Him. What you believe about Jesus Christ really does matter and whether you decide to follow Him really does affect your eternity. So why not learn more about how you can be forgiven and have eternal life? To do so, please continue to read:
Hi I’m Rob. I was raised Mormon and in this picture I’m standing with my buddy Doug who was raised Jehovah’s Witnesses. Both of us grew up in religions that teach a different Jesus from the One the Bible proclaims. When we learned the truth about WHO Jesus Christ is and WHAT He is done to save us, we left religion to embrace a personal relationship with Christ, trusting in His works alone for salvation. The biblical gospel of Christ is simple. All you need to do is place your faith in Jesus Christ as God and Lord of your life, accept His atoning death for sin and open your heart to receive the gift of His Holy Spirit who bring regeneration in your life and makes you born again.
Hi I’m Trish. I was a Jehovah’s Witness for 42 years. I was lost and I was hungry and I didn’t know what for… until I found out who Christ really is. In all those years going door to door with my Bible, no one ever shared Christ with me. I don’t think they knew how. I don’t think they knew they could or that they needed to. I’m just so grateful someone finally did.
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