Jason – How God Rescued Me and My Family
– The Watchtower theology of living forever on earth was most appealing to Jason. He and his wife Jenny were baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1994 and proceeded to raise their four children in the strict treadmill of Watchtower activity. Witnessing many injustices meted out by the elders upon congregation members, Jason and Jenny began to see the absolute control the organization has over its members. In the midst of the pressure, Jason pondered Jesus’ words at Matthew 11:28 and asked, “What is wrong with me? I don’t feel this refreshment that Jesus promised.” Seeking answers, they turned to the Bible and the testimonies of Ex-Witnesses. Finding true freedom in Christ, Jason, Jenny and their four children are now free at last! Click here to Read Jason’s Full Story Out of Jehovah’s Witnesses
View More of Jason’s Articles on (WatchtowerInvestigated.co.uk)
Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses for Jesus Conference in the UK
Jason helped organize a conference for Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses in the United Kingdom. This was a great chance for many ex-Jehovah's Witnesses to support one another and build relationships and also share their story of leaving the Watchtower “Organization”. Below are a couple video testimonies from the event and you can watch more through the link given below:
Jehovah's Witnesses - God's Grace is Amazing!
The New Heavens and the New Earth - When and How?
What are the “New heavens and New earth” as prophesied by Isaiah and Peter? See how the Scriptures compare to the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses. - By Jason
Matt 24:30, 2 Tim 4:1, Rev 5:12,13, Phil 2:10,
Here are some scriptures used regular by Jehovah’s Witnesses which speak of New Heavens and New Earth
Isaiah 65:17, 22
“For here I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind For just as the new heavens and the new earth that I am making are standing before me,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “so the offspring of YOU people and the name of YOU people will keep standing.” (NWT)
1 Peter 3:13
“But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell.” (NWT)
Read moreCoptic John 1:1 & New World Translation
Hi I am Jason. I was recently shown a YouTube clip which apparently proves the legitimacy of the New World Translations rendering of John 1:1 “a god”.
The video can be viewed here at the Link below
Read moreIs Hell a real abode? - an historical survey.
C.T Russell, Watchtower founder and his philosophical view of hell;
“A God that would use his power to create human beings whom he foreknew and predestined should be eternally tormented, could neither be wise, just nor loving. His standard would be lower than that of many men” (WT. 1993:43).
Is this the correct biblical interpretation?
Read more
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