Quick Answers to Jehovah’s Witnesses

Where is Michael?

The Watchtower teaches that Jesus was created as the Archangel Michael prior to being born on earth. Then somehow his “life breath” was transferred into the human body of Jesus. Converting out of the archangel Michael into the human Jesus, he lived on earth as a perfect human.

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Must Preaching Be Done House to House?

Jehovah's Witnesses often claim that they and they alone are the only ones doing Biblical evangelism because they are the only ones (they claim) who go "House to House."  However, going "house to house" is not the same thing as going "door to door." There are five scriptural references to going House to House and they are descriptive of one form of evangelism and are not prescriptive of the ONLY way evangelism is supposed to be done.  Jehovah's Witnesses make a gratuitous assumption to use their door to door preaching work as a truth claim that they are the only "true religion."

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What is the Jehovah's Witness Memorial?

Celebrating the Memorial Meal of Bread and Wine

Every year on Nisan 14 (the day before the Passover on the Jewish Calendar), Jehovah's Witnesses gather to observe the anniversary of the death of Jesus. It is similar to the Christian celebration of "Maundy Thursday" or the "Last Supper" that Jesus partook with His disciples just before He died to atone for our sins. Since Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Christ's Resurrection or Easter, this is the only event they celebrate in His life. They call it "an observance of the Memorial of Jesus' Death."

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Why do modern Bible translations render God's Name as "LORD" instead of "Jehovah"?

The Hebrew Tetragrammaton (YHWH)

The name "Jehovah" is a name for God that is derived from the Hebrew Tetragrammaton or Four Consonants (YHWH) which are translated "LORD" (all capital letters) in the Old Testament text of most modern Bible translations. The name "Jehovah" was chosen by some Bible translators because the original Hebrew text does not contain vowels (only consonants) and the Jews have not pronounced God's name for hundreds of years to avoid violating the 3rd Commandment to Keep God's Name Holy. So nobody today knows how to pronounce it.

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If God's Name wasn't known until Moses why is His name mentioned throughout Genesis?

JEHOVAH'S WITNESS ARGUMENT: God's Name was Known Before Abraham

I have a question about Exodus 6:2-3 where God states "I am the LORD; and I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God Almighty, but by my name, LORD (YHWH), I did not make myself known to them."  When I mentioned this passage to my Jehovah's Witness friend, he countered by pointing out that all three of these men DID call on God's Name. Genesis 12:8 says that Abraham "Built an alter there and called upon the name of the LORD (YHWH)." Genesis 28:16 says that "Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, 'Surely the LORD (YHWH) is in this place, and I did not know it.'  In my New American Standard Bible, "LORD" is in all capital letters, so I'm assuming that represents the four consonants of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton "YHWH". Is that right? What is your understanding of how the Exodus passage reconciles with the Genesis passages containing God's name?

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What happens to the people who never hear the Gospel?


If God is a loving God, how can Jesus be the only way to be saved when not everyone has had the chance to hear of Him? Only the Mormons answer this question for me because they claim that everyone will be given a second chance to hear the Gospel in the Spirit Prison.

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Do you know if Jesus was born on December 25?

The Bible doesn't give a date for the "birth" of Jesus. Some claim it was in the Spring or Fall because shepherds were in the fields, but this is a misunderstanding of the Jewish winters that actually had shepherds in the fields around Jerusalem in the winter because winters in Israel are mild with light snow in the mountains.

So in the Spring and Fall, the shepherds were actually up in the mountains with their sheep instead of the fields around Jerusalem so Jesus could not have been born in those seasons. There are other indications that Jesus was born in winter.  You can learn more at the following links:


IS CHRISTMAS PAGAN OR CHRISTIAN?—12 Questions for Jehovah’s Witnesses Challenging Common Objections Against the Christmas Holiday (4Jehovah.org)

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When did Jesus become the Christ?

Jehovah's Witnesses claim that it was at Jesus' baptism when the Holy Spirit came down as a dove that Jesus became the "Christ." (See the Watchtower's book, Holy Spirit--The force behind the coming new order, 1975, p. 90.) But this belief is inconsistent with the Biblical testimony that says that Jesus was proclaimed the "Christ" at His birth!  See these verses below:

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What is Jesus Doing Now?

JEHOVAH'S WITNESS QUESTION: "What is Jesus doing now?"

Some Jehovah's Witnesses ask this question in an attempt to prove their end-time chronology.  Yet, Jehovah's Witnesses completely misinterpret Daniel's vision of the Tree at Daniel 4:10-16 for a prophetic set of years from 607 B.C. to 1914 C.E.  

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Why Do Jehovah’s Witness Kingdom Halls Not Have Windows?

Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall


"As I’ve been driving across the United States, I’ve noticed a bunch of Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses that do not have windows. Most of the Christian churches have windows. So, why don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses have them? Is it to keep their people from looking out the windows while they are trying to brainwash them? Is it to keep others from looking in and observing their meetings?"

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Are the wicked tormented after death? - Matthew 25:46

Mark and Loly 

AT DEATH DO THE WICKED GO TO ‘ETERNAL PUNISHMENT’ OR ‘EVERLASTING CUTTING-OFF’? –-Does Matthew 25:46 support the Watchtower’s view of annihilation?

MATTHEW 25:46:

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Are human souls unconscious after death? - Ecclesiates 9:5

Mark and LolyEcclesiastes 9:5: “the dead do not know anything…for their memory is forgotten.”  - Are human souls unconscious after death?

ECCLESIASTES 9:5-6: “For the living know they will die; but the dead do not know anything, nor have they any longer a reward, for their memory is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under  the sun.” 1.

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Is Water Baptism essential for Salvation?

Worship Outside


Some religious groups that claim to be Christian, including Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses, teach that in addition to professing faith in Jesus Christ, one must also be physically baptized for salvation.

This belief, also called “baptismal regeneration,” forms the basis for a works plus faith doctrine that requires physical water baptism to be performed upon a new convert by authorized personnel within the religious institution before members consider the convert “saved.” There are several problems with this belief. First of all, when Scripture expounds on the salvation process, rarely is physical water baptism even mentioned. Instead, emphasis is given to faith (belief/trust) in Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection and repentance (confessing and turning away from sin) to make Jesus Christ Lord and Savior. Secondly, as the following Scriptures explain, salvation is said to be “by faith” alone, apart from the works of human righteousness. Notice that baptism is not even mentioned in any of these verses:

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Why Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are Not Christians



WHY THEY ARE NOT CHRISTIANS - Answering the Question: "Why do you say that Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians. Don't they believe in Jesus?"

The Mormon religion (officially known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or LDS) and the Jehovah’s Witness organization (also known as the Watchtower) both share a common foundational doctrine: They claim that Christianity became corrupt at the death of the New Testament apostles. They assert that through their religion alone, God has restored the lost and corrupted elements of the Christian faith so that only those who practice their religion possess the purest form of Christianity.

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