Anne Marie’s Articles

annemarieAnne Marie
 – You might have seen her in the Kingdom Hall. You know that young, pretty sister with “all those kids.” The one who struggled to raise her children “in the truth” alone. The one who was rarely considered as “wife material” because she was “damaged goods.” Disfellowshipped for being raped, Anne Marie finally felt free… How could this be? Had she not been taught since age five that the Watchtower organization was “the Truth”? Finally, she found the real truth behind “the truth” and found joy in Christ that she had longed for all her life.  Read Anne Marie’s Full Story Out of Jehovah’s Witnessesbullets

Are Jehovah's Witnesses REALLY "His" Witnesses?

anne marieAre Jehovah's Witnesses REALLY "His" Witnesses??
Are They Even "True Christians"??

"Jehovah's" witnesses are NOT His "witnesses" in any way, shape or form, (or by any stretch of the imagination), because they follow a man-made organization instead of truly following and being a "witness" for Jehovah God, who requires us to "Listen to His Son." And what does His Son say? His Son, Jesus Christ, tells us to COME TO HIM and to FOLLOW HIM. -Matthew 11:29-30; Luke 9:35; Luke 9:23 NWT

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A Possible Scenario Between Jehovah God and a Watchtowerite in Heaven

anne marie

Imagine a loyal member of the Watchtower Organization standing in front of Jehovah God, "rendering his account" to Jehovah, according to Romans 14:12  "So, then, each of us will render an account for himself to God."  NWT


Jehovah:  "So what do you have to say for yourself?"

Watchtowerite:  "Excuse me, Jehovah??  I don't know what you mean."

Jehovah:  "Why did you follow corruptible MAN instead of following ME?"

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The Cross & The Christian Faith...

anne marie

The Watchtower Organization, beginning with Rutherford, wanted to "get away" from anything Christian...which literally means "Christ In"… and wanted to turn the Bible Student’s focus off of Jesus and Jehovah's Plan of Salvation, which is only through the sacrifice of His son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

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Magic Bullet Question for the Jehovah's Witness

anne marie

Question on how to reach the mind of a Jehovah’s Witness

So many times, those who wish to find a way to "reach" the mind of a Jehovah's Witness through the fog of "Watchtower Thinking" have often wondered what that "one question" was; what that one "magic bullet" question was. 

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Reply to Gentleman Thinking of Joining the Watchtower

anne marie

Oh, Friend!!  We all here...all of us ex JWs, that is...understand exactly what you are saying!!  It's those "nice people" that convinced us in the first place that this was "God's" organization.  It's why I joined.

Like everyone else who joined, I didn't want Jehovah God to "destroy" my innocent children; I wanted to "be on Jehovah God's side," as I was told that I would be if I "took a stand for Jehovah," and joined "His" organization.  Now that I know what I know about them, I realize that I had simply not made an "informed decision," and that "uninformed decision" cost me and my precious children years of pain and depression, and today I continue to pay a high price for my freedom...

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A Re-instated JW Responds Angrily...

anne marie
A re-instated Watchtowerite read my story and chose to write me a kind and encouraging letter, hoping to help me to “see the light” and to return to what she believes is “Jehovah’s” organization.

Below is her response to my answer to her loving, and well-intentioned e-mail.  It is an example of how nearly every individual Jehovah’s Witness would respond, and demonstrates the level of anger, and yes, even hatred, toward anyone who dares to say anything “against” the Watchtower, how quick they are to defend it, and the utter disgust toward any ex-member who dares to refuse to acknowledge, obey, respect, and to virtually “bow down” to the Almighty Tower…

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Jehovah's Witnesses & the Fear of Armageddon

anne marie

Most people (if they have heard of them at all) assume that Jehovah’s Witnesses are “Christians,” and Jehovah’s Witnesses themselves are quick to agree that, “Yes! We are!”  However, whereas the Christian looks forward to being with the Lord Jesus in Heaven after they die, the Jehovah’s Witness is living their day-to-day lives with a deep, and many times unconscious fear of Armageddon, (though they will most certainly vehemently deny it), and this is crucial to understanding why Jehovah’s Witnesses are the way they are. Let us do a little exploring to see if we can understand why this is true.

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A JW Sister Makes the Painful Decision to Leave...

anne marie

(The following is my response to this person's cry for help and support in her decision)

Hello, dear friend!!

I understand what you are going through!!

The hardest thing that any of us had to do was to just let matter how terribly scary that is, you just have to let it all go.

It is as if you have been washed up on the shore of a foreign land, having jumped ship...a slave ship...and you are so scared.  You want to go back to the ship because the life aboard that ship is what is familiar, and what is familiar is always a comfort, no matter how terrible the familiar is, it is easier to bear; easier to bear than having to face the fear of the unknown alone.

The land that you are afraid of learning to live on is called, "Freedom."

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Watchtower "friendship" is conditional!!

anne marie

(This was copied from a reply that I gave to one who was questioning the witnesses of the Watchtower.  This is from a site that helps current JWs...and those who have left...who anonymously contact the site for answers, help, and support)

Dear Friend,

Please know that "Free at last" is absolutely right...yes, most JWs are very loving and helpful and friendly and sincere, but their "friendship" is ALWAYS CONDITIONAL!!

No matter how wonderful any one of Jehovah's Witnesses may have been to you, or how many times any one of them was there for you, it's all CONDITIONAL.  They don't consciously mean their friendship to be that way...they are not "deliberately" giving "conditional" friendship to you...but it's just the way they operate, because the entire "purpose" of "associating" with a "worldly" person is to convert them.

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Do You Know the Origins of the Watchtower Doctrines?

anne marie

The following was not written by Anne Marie, though she has done some editing on this valuable essay which was submitted by an ex member of the Watchtower Organization.


Who were the Millerites & the Adventists?

William Miller was a former Baptist and mathematician who believed that he could figure out the date for Armageddon and Christ’s coming with his numerical Bible calculations. He first figured out that "the end’ was coming in 1843, and convinced many of his growing number of followers that his calculations were correct, and they prepared for Armageddon. When Armageddon didn’t come, and Christ didn't arrive, Miller thought he had just made a mistake, and so he recalculated the coming to 1844. Jesus still didn’t come, and neither did Armageddon. This event came to be referred to as, “The Great Disappointment of 1844.” This made William Miller a false prophet. So what happened to his many followers??

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Just a thought...

anne marie

The Watchtower claims that their literature is used as "Bible Study Aids" to point people to God's Word, when it is in reality the other way around!!

The Watchtower Organization USES God's Holy Word (their own "revised" version) to point people to the Watchtower literature which then cleverly uses God's Word to support their "doctrines of men."

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Comfort for a struggling JW

anne marie

(This is from a site that supports struggling Jehovah's Witnesses, and those JWs who have left)

Dear JW Friend,

You have certainly opened up the "can of worms" in Pandora's Box!!

You have NOTHING to apologize to your JW "prophet" sister for!!  She does not hold your life in her hands!!  And neither does any "man"!!  Let's think about this one for a minute.

For one thing, remember that the Watchtower uses three main "tools" to enslave: fear, guilt, and shame.  And boy, do they use them to their full advantage!!  Don't let these be used on you!!

As for the Biblical view on holidays, look up Romans chapter 14.  It speaks about how each person, individually, decides for themselves what day is "Holy" or not "Holy."  It also says that no one has the right to judge another about what holidays one chooses to "celebrate."  Further, it says that "each of us will render an account" before God; in other words, no one has the right to make our decisions for us because we have to make our own choices.

And look above chapter 14, to the last verse in Romans chapter 13; it says that we are to "put on the Lord Jesus Christ..."  How many JWs know THAT??  And to "put on Christ" involves putting on the FREEDOM that He died for us to have!!

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What About Life AFTER Armageddon is Over? (A Personal Diary)

anne marie


(Edited and embellished)  (Some portions were used with permission from MacGregor Ministries website)

DAY 1:  Well, the Big “A” is over and I survived. I made it to the Kingdom Hall this morning. By the end of the day most of the congregation had gathered at the Hall. I guess we’re still in a state of shock. We all hugged, and then we went looking around for others. Some brothers and sisters are still missing. Ed Thorn, our presiding overseer, told us that those who were missing should have spent more time in Field Service.

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Why Jehovah's Witnessess Have a Difficult Time With John 1:1

anne marie

The Watchtower Organization prides itself as a whole on being "Biblical Experts," able to quickly look up any number of scriptures in order to back up their organization's teachings and their faith, but, oddly, when it comes to one of the most recognizable scriptures in all of Orthodox Christianity, the Jehovah's Witnesses seem strangely reluctant to discuss this particular scripture, John 1: 1, even among themselves. And the reason becomes clearly apparent as to what the problem is when you take a closer look at the Jehovah's Witnesses core belief system, namely, that there is "only one true God," and that that "one true God" is none other than Jehovah God, Himself.

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Why Do All Jehovah's Witnesses Seem "The Same"?

anne marie

The more one gets to know Jehovah's Witnesses...the more of them they speak with, the more they talk to them, the more they listen to them, the more they read about them, the more that they see of them and the more they watch them...there just seems to be something about them that one can't quite put their finger on; and then it hits them: Jehovah's Witnesses appear to be somehow all "the same," and there seems to be something just not quite right with this...but what is it??

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Is Jehovah REALLY Against Blood Transfusions?

anne marie

Each year when my children were little, I would have to fill out a form that stated what would be written on my little ones identification tags, and under the spaces for "name," and so on was a space marked, "Special Instructions," and each year I wrote boldly in this space, "NO BLOOD; substitutes okay," and each year, as I sent each of my children back to school with their forms, I worried, "What if something awful were to happen to one of them? What would I do?  Would I really be able to just let one of my babies die?  Is that REALLY what Jehovah would WANT me to do??  I shuddered to think about it!!

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Did The Watchtower Ever Advise People To "Examine Their Religion"?

anne marie

Even though years after the 1945 "Armageddon Prediction" had failed, and the Watchtower had continued to valiantly "sound the alarm" that "Armageddon is just around the corner!" as Jehovah's Witnesses, we did not really feel such an urgency as we did beginning that fateful Summer District Convention in 1966 when the powerful talk regarding the "new date" for Armageddon was given; yes, that day began a fervor of which I have never seen since, but the fire of urgency to "complete Jehovah God's Work" of "bringing in the sheep" was even further fueled at the Summer District Convention of 1968 with the Watchtower's release of the very first of many-more-to-come "little teaching books."

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Conversation With Two JWs-Dealing With the Watchtower Mindset

anne marie

Conversing with two different JWs on YouTube; the following is both a rendition and an example of their Watchtower Mindset...In June of 2010, I watched the video of an adorable little boy giving his first talk at age three at the Kingdom Hall on YouTube.  After I made a comment, I ended up having two conversations with two different Watchtower members.

Some of the content is out of sequence, as is what can happen when people are “talking” back and forth on-line; some postings are not in actual order as spoken.

I have decided to post the following actual, verbatim conversations (with added editing where necessary) as an example of trying to “witness” to a JW, and to acknowledge both the frustration of dealing with their mindset of "circular reasoning," and the real sincerity of the loyal members of the Watchtower Organization. (Identities of JWs have been completely omitted.)

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Are Apostates "Wicked Haters of Jehovah God"?

anne marie


The dictionary defines the word, "apostate," as "one who is no longer a member of, or any longer loyal to, an organization, group, religion or club."  But to a Jehovah's one who loves Jehovah God and who is loyal to "His" organization...the very word "apostate" brings about immediate and deep feelings of repugnance, loathing, and, yes, even hatred. But why is this so?

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Score One More for the Watchtower!

anne marie

I find it almost ironically amusing that my decision to rejoin the Watchtower in 1975 in order to "save my children from being destroyed by Jehovah" at Armageddon should result in my not only eventually coming to the stark realization that I had been fooled by a false outright LIE...but that one of those precious children of mine should grow up to ultimately see me as a tool of Satan; "repulsive" and "disgusting" because I do what I can to help and support any member of the Watchtower that may reach out to this site, and because I tell the truth about what I know about the Watchtower Organization...and because I tell the truth about Jesus...

One may laugh, and ask, "Didn't you know that your Jehovah's Witness son would come to hate you for becoming a Christian? and for speaking the truth about the Watchtower Organization which he faithfully serves?"  Yes, but even though his response is a common one, my sweet and loving son has, for the most part, always been very kind to me...

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But Where Else is There to Go?

anne marie

For a member of the Watchtower Organization to come to the private realization that deep down they are not truly “happy”…that they have become disillusioned with “the truth”…and for them to honestly acknowledge to themselves that they are just plain tired of all of the expectations and the never-ending “works” that they are expected to perform as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in order to maintain their “good standing” with both God and with the Watchtower can, in itself, be a heavy burden to bear. Add to this the unsettling feelings of guilt and uncertainty, and the burden can be very heavy, indeed.

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A JW Son Answers His Ex JW Mother

anne marie

To: JW Son
Subject: Did you get the condolence card??

Hey, Son!!

I hope that you are doing okay!!  I have been thinking about you having to deal with so much.  I hope you get a nice "happy" break real soon!!

Did you ever get the condolence card I sent after your dad died?  I just wondered.

I love you very much!!

Reply: From JW Son
Subject: RE: Did you get the condolence card??

Hey Mom, I didn’t get a card from you. Thank you for the thought.

Just so we’re clear on something: We are not friends. I am your son and I love you, but that’s it.

You choose to spend your waking moments finding ways to tarnish the name of the earthly organization that Jehovah uses to instruct his people.

You call the organization “the Watchtower” as if it were some strong arm used to brain wash and control the minds of some helpless 7.5 million members and their families. Are you kidding?

Do you actually believe that Jehovah, the all-powerful, is incapable of establishing an earthly presence to lead His people as Jesus said He would?

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Can the Watchtower Prove Their Core "Truths" to Be "True"?

anne marie

The rank and file of the Watchtower holds certain core beliefs as basic “truths”; as being “absolute truths.”  If you are truly one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, these “truths” are to be believed without question.

All over the world, devout members of the Watchtower are united in their absolute certainty that they not only “have the truth,” but that they are “in the truth,” because they believe that the Watchtower Organization is “the truth”; as if their religion is an absolute “truth,” even though their organization’s teachings and “understandings” have been altered, changed, or completely discarded many times over the course of their more than one-hundred-and-twenty-year history; their discarded “truths” often to be brought back later as “recycled truth” and presented to the current rank and file as “New Light.”  But are these "truths"?

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