WOUNDED Session 1 – Did I Really Leave Jehovah?

WOUNDED by God’s People on Hurting to Healing with Melissa – Wounded Session 1 of 5

Did I Really Leave Jehovah? ~ Is the pursuit of truth really worth it or not to you?  In this Hurting to Healing program, Melissa will help you settle the question “Did I Really Leave Jehovah?” once and for all in your heart and mind.

“The most valuable thing in the world is the truth; so valuable that it has often been barricaded by a bodyguard of lies.” (Winston Churchill)

Healing is a journey.  Join us for Session 1 of 5 as we discuss Chapters 1-4 of the book WOUNDED by God’s People by Anne Graham Lotz.

It’s time to step out of denial. “Let’s acknowledge the pain together. Stop covering it up, rationalizing it, defending it, excusing it, ignoring it. Just admit it.” Let’s discover how God’s love heals our hearts.


Melissa’s Radio Program Archive Corner

Read Melissa’s Testimony out of Jehovah’s Witnesses

~Responding~Transforming~ Revealing~Testing


Author: Webmaster