VOICE – Interview with Steve Hays – How to Find Happiness

How to Find Happiness in the Midst of Struggle – Interview with Steve Hays


I AM EXCITED FOR THIS ONE! Interview with Steve Hays (Stevo) from Happy Life.

Stevo is who God made me. H.E.L.P. is what God has called me to do. Years ago, when I was released from my career job, I asked God what He wanted me to do with my life. He gave me a super clear picture of the acronym H.E.L.P. He then explained it. “I am sending you out to H.E.L.P. others by bringing Healing, Encouragement, Laughter and Ponder to the people I send you to.”

Whether through speaking, podcasts, music, product or one-on-one coaching, we are committed to seeing this message reach as many people as possible.

Read Melissa’s Testimony out of Jehovah’s Witnesses

~Responding~Transforming~ Revealing~Testing


Author: Webmaster