VOICE with Deb on Hurting to Healing with Melissa

VOICE ~ Compelling Voices ~ Courageous People ~ Hurting to Healing with Melissa

Do you have a prodigal son or daughter?  As a parent of a prodigal child are there times you have felt guilty or said “It’s my fault, I should of done a better job!”  Are you at a place where you are losing hope for your child(ren) and wonder if they will ever turn back to Jesus?

Voice Interview with Deb

Well, no more!  Listen and be encouraged! Be inspired!

Hear a mother’s heart of unconditional love for her daughter who once walked with Jesus and decided to take the path of becoming a Jehovah’s Witness. Hear Deb’s personal journey and how she has drawn closer to her Rock and Comforter Jesus Christ.

Don’t lose hope!

Read Melissa’s Testimony out of Jehovah’s Witnesses

~Responding~Transforming~ Revealing~Testing



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Author: Webmaster