At this conference everyone is given a voice. Present, questioning, exiting and former Jehovah’s Witnesses as well as anyone who has been affected by the teachings and policies of Jehovah’s Witnesses organization. Whether you are a former witness for the Watchtower Society or a “witness now for Jesus,” you are invited.
The second annual “Witnesses Now for Jesus: Midwest” conference is coming up fast the weekend of Friday, July 27 and Saturday, July 28. As with the 40th annual conference of its same kind in Pennsylvania (October 5-7, 2018), Friday morning will begin with introductions from all in attendance as the microphone gets passed at 9:30 am with “Let’s Get Acquainted.”
Last year we came from Missouri, Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Georgia, California, Colorado, and Maine! Eleven states in all represented at one small Midwestern conference. Some were scheduled to share their testimony of coming out of the Watchtower and some prepared a topic on which to teach, but ALL in attendance had opportunity to introduce themselves and share a bit of their own story and where they are today. We’d love to meet you and hear YOUR story too! It’s not too late to plan your trip to Missouri for this conference and/or the campfire that follows.
This year, you will hear testimonies from Amy Lockard and Brady Crum and be encouraged listening to Sharon Leasure’s “Blessings That Come From Freedom.” Counter cult expert Don Veinot will address the question, “I Left the Watchtower, Why Should I Believe in Anything at All?” Tim Martin will be sharing the history of aberrant religious teaching which evolved into the Watchtower Society in his talk “Roots, Shoots and Those in Cahoots.” Jodie Bishop and Robert Bowman will both present talks on the Trinity which is a difficult concept for Jehovah’s Witnesses to grasp as is the cross which ex-Jehovah’s Witness Charles Smith will be addressing. Of special interest to family and friends of active JWs, Ed Haviach will be be presenting “How Not to Witness to Jehovah’s Witnesses.” Other speakers include Charles Kelley, Rob Phillips, Bob Gray, Kay L. Mayer, Jay Gomez, Martin Winslow, Julie McAllen, and Jim Valentine. Times for praise and worship as well as a few skits will be tossed in throughout the event. For a full schedule, click here.
If you choose to attend, the organizers of this conference would appreciate advance registration. There is no fee to register, it just helps with event planning. But even if you decide to come at the last minute and don’t register, there is room for you!
Registration, full event schedule, contact info, helpful links and more can all be found at the official web site for the three Witnesses Now for Jesus conferences by clicking this link.
In 2017, this Midwest conference was held at a community building in Farmington, Missouri. This year the people at Sonrise Baptist Church of Bonne Terre graciously offered to host us and serve lunch as well.
The conference location is
454 Berry Road, Bonne Terre, MO 63628
We realize that for some former JWs walking into a church building can be intimidating.
Please note that no one will be pressured to participate in anything that makes them uncomfortable. Dress is casual, you are not obligated to join anything, and you are welcome to stay for as much or as little of this two day conference as you choose. There is no fee to register or attend the conference, but a free will offering will be taken up for those who would like to help cover expenses in putting this event together.
For those who arrive in town on Thursday, July 26, you’re also invited to meet for dinner at the Homestead Restaurant in Bonne Terre, Missouri. Time is yet to be determined but likely around 6 pm. Check the Facebook page WNFJ Midwest Conference for EXJWs or call Charles Smith 314-277-3866 or Email
The Homestead Restaurant
1024 Hwy K. Bonne Terre, MO 63628
The last schedule talk on Saturday, July 28 will end about 6 pm. After that, grab a bite to eat or bring something to eat with you because you’re invited to gather around the campfire about 7 pm with several of us at the St Francois State Park in Bonne Terre at camp sites #67 and 68. If you are considering camping for this event, here is the link.
The campfire will provide another opportunity to connect one more time in a casual environment with other ExJWs in town for the conference. It’s also an alternative for those who are unable to attend Friday and Saturday at the Baptist Church but wanting to meet other ExJWs in person. So let’s get acquainted in Missouri.
“Hello. I Am An ExJW!”
Keep yourself in God’s love,