Sharing with Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses How I Find Christ in the Hebrew Scriptures

Pastor Al Stewart
Pastor Al Stewart

In April, I had the joy of speaking on the subject of “Finding Christ in the Hebrew Scriptures” at the Witnesses Now for Jesus Convention in Port Orange, Florida coordinated by Pastor Al Stewart.  This conference is designed to help Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses who recently left the Watchtower as well as various veteran missionaries and pastors in this field who are reaching out to Jehovah’s Witnesses directly.

Pastor Al kept the conference moving along on time and was very attentive to everyone’s needs. What a pastor’s heart he has! I especially appreciated the love he showed for those coming out of Jehovah’s Witnesses, struggling to be free of the lies and confusion they experienced in the organization.

In my presentation, I drew parallels to Christ’s Deity and how the belief that the Messiah would be both divine and human can be seen not only in the Hebrew Old Testament text that were quoted in the Greek New Testament, but also foreshadowed in the messianic expectations of ancient Jewish rabbis whose thoughts were recorded in the Jewish Talmud.

Where is Jesus? Finding Christ in the Hebrew Scriptures


One of the best experiences I had was meeting in person the people I’ve talked with over the phone or email, but never had a chance to meet before. It was so great to finally be able to meet and fellowship with these friends face-to-face! Although there were only about 30 folks who came to the conference in person, at one point during the conference we had over 800 folks linked into the livestream online.  Elane Bales of the JW Escape Facebook Group runs one of the largest support networks for helping Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses find Christ.  It was a joy to watch her share here testimony at this event below:

One incredible blessing I had was meeting Martha who had found our website and online Meetup support group back in 2014. Under Julie McAllen’s leadership of the group and with her one-on-one Bible Studies in the book of Galatians, Martha discovered who Jesus really is and personally accepted His unconditional love and grace for salvation. What freedom she now feels in Christ! Before I came to the conference, I had no idea she was going to be sharing her testimony so you can imagine my joy and surprise to meet her at the conference.  You can watch Martha’s testimony presentation below:

Chris Marshall an ExJW will be shared his testimony too and it was a powerful one sharing “Why I’m Not a Jehovah’s Witness Today:”

Author: Webmaster