Paul Gee – Ex-Mormon Finds the Truth

Ex-Mormon Paul Gee Leaves Mormonism to Follow Jesus

Paul Gee grew up Mormon, naturally believing the claims of Joseph Smith and the LDS Church. Then one day he started reading the Bible with the “eyes of a child” and discovered major differences between the teachings of Christ in the Bible and those found in Mormonism. Further research uncovered the fact that Joseph Smith could not translate the text of the Book of Abraham that forms the basis of many unbiblical beliefs found in Mormonism. At this point, Paul had to make a decision: Would he follow Christ or would he remain comfortable following the teachings of the LDS Church that are at odds with Christ? For Paul, the choice was clear, he stopped singing “praise to the man” Joseph Smith and began singing praises only to Jesus as his only true Lord and Savior!  He is happily married to his sweetheart Elizabeth and is a father to two sweet girls.

After Paul got saved, he started these very active Facebook discussion groups below reaching Mormons for Christ and helping former Mormons.  His websites and discussion groups are excellent. Here’s what he says motivates him to reach out: “My life is dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus to the world. I love the Lord and want everyone to come to know God. I would feel awful if I kept His joy to myself. For this reason I write messages on Mormonism in order to lead these people to Christ. The Holy Spirit is leading me in these efforts. Jesus is the anchor of my soul. God bless you!”

Christianity vs Mormon Website

Christianity vs Mormonism Website
Christianity vs Mormonism Website

Christian Devotionals Website

Daily Christian Devotionals
Daily Christian Devotionals



Author: Webmaster