It was about an hour after the last session of the LDS Fall General Conference had ended on Sunday, October 1st, 2023, when I stood at the West Temple exit with my sign “Does the LDS Church Blame Jesus for Joseph Smith’s FAKE Translation?” Right about that time, a group of professionally dressed General Conference officials came out of the gates around the Conference Center and stood at the street corner waiting to cross the street to the mall.
Looking at the crowd to see if anyone would be interested in taking my tract, my eyes caught Elder Todd Christofferson’s scowl as he read my sign, then motioned to me a “naughty” symbol with his fingers trying to shame me for displaying my sign right outside of the LDS Conference Center.
Remembering the Scripture at Romans 1:16, (“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth”), I confidently looked Todd straight in the eye and with a kind smile, I offered him my tract. It didn’t long after he took my tract that he had the Mormon Church modify their essay to try to make excuses for the points I raised in my tract. But even with that, my original point still remains. By claiming that Jesus gave Joseph Smith the text for the Book of Abraham which really isn’t the writings of Abraham at all, the Church still blames Jesus for this fraud that Joseph Smith perpetrated on his followers.
Does the LDS Church Blame Jesus for the FAKE Translation of Joseph Smith?
For more information, see my tract: What Does the LDS Church Now Admit About the Book of Abraham?
While I was handing out tracts outside the General Conference I was hanging out with a few of my friends in ministry when a young man who was raised LDS came by our “Friendly Anti – Let’s Chat” table and asked if he could interview us. With mutual agreement to do a video interview with us, we filmed our dialogue. I have to say, this was one of the best, if not the best conversations we had all weekend:
Mormon Interviews the Friendly Anti
During the LDS General Conference of October 2023 stood several “friendly” Christian anti Mormons sitting outside the LDS Conference center with signs encouraging Mormons to engage in loving conversations over doctrinal beliefs. David, who was raised LDS, asked several key questions and the answers he received gave him a lot to think about. This video covers: 1.) What do Christians think of Mormons, 2. ) What do Christians think of the Book of Mormon? 3.) What do Christians think of Preexistence? 4.) What do Christians think of the Mormon view of Exaltation? 5.) What do Christians think of LDS Temples?
On another amazing day at General Conference, we had quite a few conversations with people who were raised LDS but struggling to believe in Christ and the Bible after discovering, on their own, the lies of Joseph Smith. Kinderhook plates, Book of Abraham not following the papyrus, then putting together an Egyptian grammar to try to convince his people that he could “translate” Egyptian, the Kirkland Ohio anti-banking fraud
where he ran off with the saint’s money, multiple polygamous relationships with married women, and on and on Smith’s scandals go.
Please continue to pray for the Mormons we talked to on the street. I had some of the most amazing conversations with LDS at this conference. I just love the people. They are definitely some of the sweetest people you will ever meet, but they’re just misguided by Joseph Smith’s lies. Please pray especially for David and Amanda. One is staunch LDS and another recently left but is questioning everything. Pray they both find that Jesus is the only real foundation we can trust.
Rob Sivulka of and Matt Slick of are two of my apologist friends who I met at General Conference this year too. What a great trip!