MG-01 – Witnessing to Mormons Using Their Own Church History

Have you ever considered sharing your Christian Faith with a Mormon friend, coworker or neighbor? For the first time in the History of the Mormon Church, authentic and realistic Mormon Doctrine and History are now available to you and the Mormon People on the Gospel Topics’ section of the Mormon Church’s official website.

These incredibly insightful documents now state as a Fact of Mormonism, that Joseph Smith repeatedly lied to his first wife Emma. That he, Joseph Smith had up to 40 wives to include 12 to 14 wives of other men, whom he secretly married behind Emma’s back. Many of these relationships the Mormon Church now admits included the “possibility” of sexual relationships.

Why does this information matter? Because it reveals the character of Joseph Smith, that he was NOT qualified to be called as one of God’s latter-day prophets.

The Bible proclaims that a Bishop or Elder in a Christian church “…must be blameless, the husband of one wife…” (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:5-6).

If you are a Mormon or you have friends and loved ones involved in Mormonism, We stand with you in reaching them with the Truth of Christ as proclaimed in the Bible.

REFERENCE NOTES SEE: LDS Gospel Topic: Plural Marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo at Note the following excerpts from the article:

Joseph Smith and Plural Marriage

During the era in which plural marriage was practiced, Latter-day Saints distinguished between sealings for time and eternity and sealings for eternity only. Sealings for time and eternity included commitments and relationships during this life, generally including the possibility of sexual relations. Eternity-only sealings indicated relationships in the next life alone. Evidence indicates that Joseph Smith participated in both types of sealings.

On the number of Wives of Joseph Smith married, this article also states at Footnote 24: “Careful estimates put the number between 30 and 40. See Hales, Joseph Smith’s Polygamy, 2:272–73.”

On the number of wives Joseph Smith took from living husbands, Footnote 29 states: “Estimates of the number of these sealings range from 12 to 14. (See Todd Compton, In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith [Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1997], 4, 6; Hales, Joseph Smith’s Polygamy, 1:253–76, 303–48.) ”


If you search the term “Gospel Topics Essays” at, you will find links to most of the essays that the Mormon Church created to respond to the claims of critics of the Church. Since not all of the Mormon Church essays are listed on the main page of their “Gospel Topics Essays” section of their site, we have created a page that links to all of these essays on our website at:[1] Regarding these essays, the Mormon Church states:

“The purpose of these essays, which have been approved by the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, has been to gather accurate information from many different sources and publications and place it in the Gospel Topics section of, where the material can more easily be accessed and studied by Church members and other interested parties.” (From the 2018 version of the Introduction to the Essays posted at

We will now review all thirteen “Gospel Topics Essays,” along with their publication dates and key statements that can be used when sharing the truth with Mormon friends.

[1] In March 2019, the Mormon Church announced that they will soon be changing their official domain to When their website is changed, we will update our links.

NOTE: Background Instrumental Music is by Jason

Author: Webmaster