I was not raised in a family that attended Church beyond weddings and funerals. I was saved when I was fifteen years old, and reading the Bible for the first time was so meaningful for me. I was discipled by a pastor that taught me the importance of evangelism, and I immediately began to visit neighbor hood homes to share with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
As I visited, I kept encountering members of both the Jehovah’s Witnesses (the Watchtower) and the Mormons (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). I sought out information about such cults including from the ministry I am currently the president of, Religion Analysis Service (ras.org), which began my journey in counter-cult evangelism. I was soon introduced to the ministry of Walter Martin, the author of the classic work The Kingdom of the Cults and the original host of the radio program The Bible Answer Man.
Feel free to contact me through my website – Religion Analysis Service: https://ras.org/ While visiting the website, sign up for a free on-line version of our journal The Discerner.
Or you can call me at: 651-315-0781
As I stated, I am the president of Religion Analysis Service, a Christian apologetics and counter-cult ministry operating since 1946, and publishers of the quarterly journal The Discerner since 1947.
I received my education at the University of Northwestern-St. Paul where I earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies in 2009, a Master of Arts in Theology (M.A.T.S.) in 2011, and a Master of Divinity degree in 2013.
Our website has a free archive of hundreds of articles on various cults and false teachings, as well as excellent articles in defense of the Bible and the Christian faith. The website also has a multi-media tab featuring presentations (radio appearances and conference presentations) by Steve Lagoon and others. There is an excellent links page to help those searching for other ministries dealing with Christian apologetics and counter-cult themes.
You are welcome to check out my books on Amazon at the following:
- God Yes, Atheism No: A Philosophical Journey to Christian Faith, 2019
- In Defense of Christmas: An Informative and Inspirational Defense of the Christmas Holiday, 2020
- Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: A Biblical Examination of Cults and False Teachers, 2021
- The Roman Catholic Church and Mary: A Biblical Examination, 2021