“On”… I am taking off the lies and putting ON truth. I am taking out the lies and putting truth in. I am taking down the walls of lies that have been built up around me and I am going to build myself up with words of truth. Why? Because I need it. Because I want it. Because I deserve it. Because I am no longer going to be afraid. Because I am going to “just BELIEVE and I will be healed.”
BELIEVE SESSION 7 OF 8 ON Hurting to Healing with Melissa
B.E.L.I.E.V.E SESSION 7 OF 8. “ON” on Hurting to Healing with Melissa.
THIS IS WHERE HEALING BEGINS! “Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go…” TRUST GOD above all else.
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Join Melissa for session 7 of 8 sessions if you want to begin to “On” the lies that you have believed for far to long.
Read Melissa’s Testimony out of Jehovah’s Witnesses
~Responding~Transforming~ Revealing~Testing