We’ve been exploring the “top ten questions for Mormons” on our Meetup group for former members of the Latter Day Saints. Since LDS members generally recognize other churches as teaching “some truth” yet claim Mormonism gives people the “fullness of the gospel,” I asked for suggestions on how to respond to that. One member wrote, “ask them about being sealed together for eternal marriage and how this is in direct contrast to Luke 20:34-36.”As I put myself into the mindset of a Mormon determined to defend eternal marriage, I noted that the verse says those of the “resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage” and proposed that the presently unmarried persons would not marry in the future, but those who are already married will remain sealed.
Another member responded that married Mormons will continue to procreate “spirit children” in their celestial kingdom but maintain that those NOT married in the LDS temple will be “as angels” in the afterlife. He further added, “This celestial marriage idea was used by Joseph Smith to seduce additional women to marry him and establish the unlawful practice of polygamy. He even carried it further by marrying women already legally married to living husbands. To follow up, he lied about the practice for the rest of his life, to his own first wife, Emma, to other members not in his inner circle, to the outside world, and even in LDS scripture itself. The “fruits” of Joseph Smith live on with the FLDS church today. Discovering this duplicity was what shattered my testimony.”
So what do those who practice polygamy do with such scriptures as 1 Tim 3:1-2 and Titus 1:6-7 which say a man is to have only ONE WIFE???
As you can see, from this one question about the “fullness of the gospel” came a discussion on eternal marriage, polygamy and the REASON one of our members left the LDS. Our Meetup discussions bring forth a wealth of information both personally and factually.
Keep yourself in God’s love,