The Book of Mormon Teaches:
* There is only 1 God: Alma 11:26-29
* God was never a man: Moroni 8:18
* God does not have a body of flesh and bones but is a Spirit: Alma 18:24-28 & 22:9-11
* God is not a progressive God: Mormon 9:9, 19
* The Godhead is 1 God not 3 gods: 2 Nephi 31:21, Alma 11:44, Mormon 7:7
* The Nephites worshipped Jesus as the Most High God: 3 Nephi 11:15
* Jesus is our Creator not our elder brother: 2 Nephi 11:7
* “Hell” is an eternal punishment for those who have procrastinated their repentance unto death: Alma 34:32-35
* Jesus warned “the gates of hell stand open to receive” anyone who adds to His doctrine taught in the Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 11:39-40