VOICE with Jeremy Shepperd on Hurting to Healing with Melissa

VOICE ~ Compelling Voices ~ Courageous People

Listen to this powerful story as Jeremy Shepperd gave VOICE to the VOICELESS on this program of Hurting to Healing with Melissa.

VOICE With Jeremy Shepperd

“I grew up pretty normal it was all I really ever knew, being a Jehovah’s Witness and because that’s what was expected of me I got baptized at the age of 10 not really knowing what that meant or what that would end up being.  I would pray to Jehovah but I never felt like he was anywhere near, I always felt like he was unavailable, that I didn’t really have access to to him, but…on I went.” ~ Jeremy Shepperd

Also, view Jeremy Shepperd’s Facebook Page of Support for Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses:

Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses Support

Read Melissa’s Testimony out of Jehovah’s Witnesses

~Responding~Transforming~ Revealing~Testing

Author: Webmaster