Witnesses for Jesus is an evangelical, parachurch, counter-cult ministry that exists to educate the Christian and secular communities about the spiritual and sociological dangers of Jehovah’s Witness and Mormon religions. We are not affiliated with any specific denomination, but partner with Christian believers of all backgrounds throughout the world. We offer materials and training seminars to equip individuals with effective tools to constructively challenge members in cult groups with the Truth found in Jesus Christ.
On November 3, 2003, Witnesses for Jesus incorporated under a five-member board of directors and on March 16, 2004, non-profit 501(c)3 status was granted by the IRS, enabling us to issue tax-deductible receipts. (Click these Links to View the Witnesses for Jesus Bi-Laws, Articles of Incorporation, and IRS Determination Letter.)
Witnesses for Jesus, Inc. was founded by Christy (Harvey) Darlington who began her counter-cult career in 1994 when someone close to her began challenging her to consider the Mormon Church as another denomination of the Christian faith. She was raised in an Evangelical Christian home where the simple, straightforward teaching of the Bible took precedence over secular philosophies. Thus, the Mormon Scripture-twisting she encountered during her correspondence with this person was unlike anything she had ever seen. This experience compelled her to research into what attracts individuals to pseudo-Christian cults and what issues need to be addressed before individuals can leave these groups and find freedom in Christ. In an attempt to gain deeper insight into the mindset of individuals within these groups, Christy has participated in multiple Christian witnessing outreaches at Mormon events and Jehovah’s Witness meetings. She understands cultic mindset from an academic and sociological perspective and has conducted support group meetings for former cult members. She has led both Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons to faith in the real Jesus and discipled them in the Christian faith. She is the author of most of the materials published by Witnesses for Jesus Inc. She has spoken at Christian counter-cult conferences and her seminars are now available on DVD.
We define a cult as any group that sets itself up as the “only” true church and “channel of communication” between God and man. Requiring exclusive devotion to their doctrines and policies, cult groups claim that one’s salvation is based upon one’s association within the group and that there is “no place to go” for anyone who leaves.
Pseudo-Christian cults are groups that—under the guise of “Christianity”—not only exhibit the sociological aspects of cult control, but that embrace extra-Biblical revelation and heretical doctrines that are not compatible with the historic Christian faith. Hence the teaching ministry of Witnesses for Jesus has two goals:
- To educate people regarding the spiritual and sociological dangers that association in pseudo-Christian cults presents to society. We delineate the doctrinal differences between biblical Christianity and heretical movements and define the sociological distinctions between health and unhealthy environments.
- To counteract the psychological control that pseudo-Christian authoritarian structures have on their constituents by creating support environments for victims of these cults.
It has been our experience that once an individual has given his heart to a religious authority, he has also given his mind, and until his heart is won, his mind is closed. Consequently, ministry to cult members not only involves counteracting the intellectual barriers that encompass the minds and hearts of individuals under cult control, but it involves relating to individuals on both spiritual and emotional levels in the context of relationship.
Just as it is essential that one work to break an adherent’s trust in the leadership of the cult group before he will be free to accept Scriptural truth apart from cultic interpretation, so it is essential that one provide the cult member with an authentic way to meet his spiritual and emotional needs. Indeed true spiritual significance, security and freedom can only be found in a personal relationship with Christ.
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.… If therefore the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.…I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.”—John 8:32, 36; 14:6
I have known Christy since 1997 and her commitment to Christ is unquestionable. Her desire to minister God’s Word and truth is absolutely sincere — without any motivation for self-promotion, or self-aggrandizement. Her biblical and academic scholarship in the area of Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormonism is equal to any ministries in the same field I know of today. But most importantly, she has an intense passion to see Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons come to a saving faith in Christ, as well as to see them discipled after coming to Christ. With confidence and no reservation at all, I fully and unequivocally endorse Christy to come and share with your congregation.
Justin T. Alfred, Executive Director
Word in Life Ministries, Murrieta, CA
I encourage pastors to take advantage of this ministry’s resources. They are prepared with diligence, insight, and love, and they can both encourage and equip willing Christians for effective outreach to cult members.
Paul Carden, Executive Director
The Centers for Apologetics Research (CFAR)
San Juan Capistrano, CA
This letter is to support the ministry of Christy Darlington and her research on Mormonism. Her commitment to Jesus is unquestioned. She models the Bereans in Acts 17:11 and how the Bible commends them for daily examining the teachings of the apostle Paul and critically holding them up to the light of the Scripture. God wants us to question what we hear and what we are taught.
Thessalonians 5:21 tells us to ‘examine all things’ and to hold fast to that which is good. Christy has studied the claims of the Mormons for numerous years. Her research is very thorough and her ability to efficiently dispute the Mormon teachings with the Gospel clearly point those held by the grips of this religion to Jesus Christ.
Pastor Eric Cartier, Senior Pastor
Rocky Mountain Calvary, Colorado Springs CO
I have had the privilege over the last few years of watching God grow and bless Christy Harvey’s ministry, Witnesses for Jesus. Her extensive understanding of cultic doctrine and behavior is greatly enhanced by a sincere love for those who are trapped within those systems. I believe those who are exposed to her ministry will come away greatly blessed.
C. Brian Michaels, Former Senior Pastor
Rocky Mountain Calvary, Colorado Springs CO
When Christy spoke to our fellowship, we really appreciated her approach to this difficult subject. She came with humility and gentleness. Christy is a breath of fresh air. Instead of attacking the cults with anger and hostility, she exposed the lies of the enemy by a thorough understanding of what they teach. She shared the truth of God’s Word with compassion and concern for those that are held captive by Satan’s deception. We felt as though we’d known Christy for years—not just a few short hours—as she greeted and interacted with those who had questions or loved ones involved in the cults. It is obvious to us that the Lord has called Christy Harvey into this ministry and thus gifted and equipped her for such a time as this. I highly recommend Christy Harvey and the Witnesses for Jesus ministry.
Jeff Johnson, Senior Pastor
Calvary Chapel Grand Junction
Christy has done very thorough and in-depth presentations on the religions of Mormonism and Jehovah Witnesses at Mountain Springs Church. Our people were challenged and equipped in how to understand the erroneous teachings of these cults and how to lovingly share their faith. The balance of truth and mercy in Christy’s presentations is what impressed me the most. I would recommend Christy to any church that is serious about understanding and sharing their faith with Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses.
Steve Holt, Senior Pastor
Mountain Springs Church, Colorado Springs, CO
Christy knows her stuff, and her humble spirit makes for a real learning experience. An hour under her teaching seems like a few minutes. My congregation kept asking when she was coming back! If you want to know about Mormons or Jehovah’s Witnesses, I’d recommend her ministry!
Dr. Tom Franks, Former Senior Pastor
Morrill Baptist Church, Morrill, Maine
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