Keith and Becky Walker – Evidence Ministries



– Challenging Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons
with the Evidence for the Truth of Biblical Christianity

bullets Website:
Keith’s You-tube Jehovah’s Witness Channel: Quick Questions for Jehovah’s Witnesses Videos
Keith’s You-tube Mormon Channel: Quick Questions for Mormons Videos


Keith Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses



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Keith Visiting the Memorial of Jehovah's Witnesses - Interview with Keith Walker - Hurting to Healing

If you are a former Jehovah's Witness, an active Jehovah's Witness, or a Christian reaching Jehovah's Witnesses, you will want to tune in to this show!

Interview w/Keith Walker of Evidence Ministries on Hurting to Healing w/Melissa

Keith and his wife Becky have been personal friends of our ministry for almost 20 years.  Keith has an amazing ability make Scripture come alive!  Hold onto your pen and paper as you listen to him share his interactions that he has had over the years with Jehovah's Witnesses. He will also be addressing the topic: THE MEMORIAL. You will be encouraged, challenged, and have tools and tips to use when reaching Jehovah's Witnesses.

Keith's Quick Questions for Jehovah's Witnesses You-Tube Channel

Using The Memorial To Witness To Jehovah's Witnesses

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Third Generation Jehovah's Witness SAVED!


Keith speaking at the Witnesses Now for Jesus ConventionEarly this year, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses stumbled upon the website for Witnesses Now For Jesus and contacted the moderator, Bob Gray. He had been raised in his parent’s religion as a third generation Witness. Over the years, he questioned the claims of the Watchtower but continued to read his Bible and pray for truth. When he asked Bob “where to go,” Bob replied that John 6:68 does not say “where” but asks to “whom.” This Witness man asked, “you mean go to Jesus?” Like most of us who come out of the Watchtower, it sounded too simple and Bob assured him that it is that simple.

There were a few calls in between and on January 6 this gentleman told Bob that he’d like to discuss the Deity of Christ but didn’t even know how to pray about it. Bob explained that the Spirit helps us when we do not know how to pray and intercedes for us (Romans 8:26). This searching Witness meditated on the Scripture and on January 8 called Bob to tell him that he’d been crying for two days and announced “I’ve come to Jesus!” Immediately he began to tell his friends and was surprised that they “just don’t get it.” He recognized his need to fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ and called one day to say “I need a church!” At this time, Bob and him are studying the Bible together over the phone and he’s been put in touch with some Christian ex-JWs in his own area.

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Bill McKeever of Mormonism Research Ministry Bill McKeever of Mormonism Research Ministry

Bill McKeever of Mormonism Research Ministry


Author: Webmaster