The SPIRIT of Christmas! The SPIRIT Anointed Governing Body? The SPIRIT of God!
I don’t have a SPIRIT? Worshipping God In SPIRIT And Truth! I am my SPIRIT? The Holy SPIRIT!
Is my SPIRIT the same as my conscious?
A Different Kind Of ‘SPIRIT’ In The Air on Hurting to Healing w/Melissa
Ahh, the SPIRIT Christmas…. I must say there is something about the way I feel at Christmas.
Wait…What is SPIRIT? What is The Holy SPIRIT? Is the Governing Body SPIRIT Anointed? Is the Holy SPIRIT just for the 144,000? Do I have a SPIRIT? Is the SPIRIT the same as my conscious?
So many questions during this time of year especially when you have to admit there is a different kind of SPIRIT in the air. Listen to our conversation where we discussed this during Healing w/Melissa and we touched on things of the Spirit.
Read Melissa’s Testimony out of Jehovah’s Witnesses
~Responding~Transforming~ Revealing~Testing